December 5, 2014

O' Christmas Tree

I showed Jackson a picture of some friends who had gone to the mountains to pick out their own tree and cut it down.  Isn't that pretty cool I asked him.  He replied, good thing we don't have to do that, we have Christmas trees right by our house!  He got every single ounce of his mama's practicality gene.  Let's be real, I will never drive to the mountains for a tree.  Bah-humbug, I know.  But we found a good one and everyone was excited…
'OHHH YEAHHH, LOOK AT THIS ONE, OHHH YEAHHH!' This was said about every single tree.  We are easy to please.

The lighting of the tree!  Everyone was really pumped
(Hey Greta!  Although she doesn't get much press, she is still here, all up in EVERYTHING.)

Jackson was all about WHEN CAN WE DECORATE THE TREE.  Until it came time to actually decorate the tree.  

Nash likes to pick his limb and really focus in it.