August 7, 2018


I say Chicago, but really we were only there for a few hours, Wheaton is where it is at!  We had a flight out on Thursday afternoon that got cancelled that morning.  We went all 'Home Alone' style, throwing necessities in to two suitcases and booked it to the airport to see what could be done.  Good news - they had booked Charlie and me on an 11:30 flight to Chicago and the boys on a 3:30 flight to Philly and then Chicago... because that would definitely work?!  After letting our kids run around RDU for a while and pleading with the nicest lady ever we ALL snuck on to the back row of the 11:30 direct flight, what what what!!!  Everyone was, fine.  I can't say that I am sad to not be going on any up coming flights with Miss Winnie.  It must be that time of the month for priss-pants or something.  We headed straight to the city when we got there to hit up some parks and Lake Michigan.  Then the big guys hit up a Chicago Cubs game!  We were in picturesque Wheaton for the rest of the time where we explored zoos, parks, pools, colleges and the candy store, obviously.  We all love this trip! (minus the airplane part)
That airport family bathroom though, pretty awesome.  Also, I think RDU is the cleanest and nicest airport around. 

'Jat-son' & Luke.  They became fast friends.  

Winnie-girl, living her best life.  I mean who doesn't want to waller around pantless in the lake after a long sticky, sweaty flight.  AmIright?!

The Cubs! I was a little bit jelaous, but I was not about to take Theo & Winnie.

It didn't take Hannah too long to figure out that she did not love baseball as much as her cousins did...

Morning stroll to the best little market and then hit up the Popcorn Store.  Aka - a narrow wall with candy all over it.

Zoo rats.

Walking over to the Sandlot.

Backyard hanging out.  Moms got tricks, yo.

Cantigny Park! A war museum, tons of parks, and a big yellow couch for the best photo ever.

The Queen!

My Loves!

2nd Annual front porch last day picture.  Bye Felicia.

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