January 21, 2021

Honey 'Maple' Bacon Farris of Curlew!

We made a terrible bet.  'If you keep the two fair fish alive for over a year, then we can get a dog.'  Charlie must have really wanted a dog, as he is the only person to have ever cleaned that tiny little 'fair tank.'  So, yes, over a year later, the fish, Rocky & Peyton (I don't know who is who)  are still alive and well.  Alas, the search for a boxer puppy began.  Who knew that during a pandemic everyone would get a puppy?!  It took a while but Charlie spotted this little nugget and put down a payment and we kept a big ol secret for as long as we could.  One Sunday, after a baseball tournament we headed to the puppies, they really had no idea. Ms. Maple!  She is a peeing, jumping, snuggling, chewing mess.  Supposedly this is what puppies do.  We (me, like we already knew, me) are working on her behavior and accidents and she is fitting in just right.  
An early Christmas miracle!

Fast snuggle buddies. 

If the fireplace is not turned on then this is her favorite sun bathing spot.  She likes to be warm, same girl, same.  

Let's go mom.  It's cold out here.  I prefer to pee inside.  

Are we those weird dog people that put them in sweaters.  I guess so.

BFF.  She is a spoiled little pandemic pup.  All the people home.  All the time.  


January 12, 2021


Christmas cards are still my favorite!  Here is a picture of this years pictures.  Merry Merry!

Told ya I liked our fall pictures.  We weren't even attempting to get 'dressed' again for another picture during a pandemic. 

Maple! I haven't even done a post on Maple, our new pup.  Ok, I'm on it...

Farris, Carinci, Asma & O'SHEA family!