July 8, 2010


I will be ready for this boy to do something (including sleep at night). Anyone got any tips on how to get a baby on a schedule? Thanks, Greta

He finally got a cool toy but all he does is stare at it. Soon we will tear this thing apart!


  1. have you read babywise or the happiest baby on the block?
    I read both and kind of picked and choosed from what I liked best.
    A strict schedule didn't work with either of my kids until they were about 6 months old (I think). Up until then I was basically at their disposable. They nursed when they wanted. They slept when they wanted. It just seemed to work for us.
    I will say it takes some time to "get them into" a schedule. Just be patient. You know your kid. You will know when he's upset because something is wrong or he is hungry. Go with your gut. Find a schedule that works for you all and just start practicing.

  2. Thanks ya'll, a bunch of people have recommended Babywise. Looks like Jackson and I will take a trip to BooksAMillion, even have a gift card just waiting to be used!
