March 25, 2018

Opening Day!

Theo's entire life has been leading up to this day...

We went for it and signed Theo (who is still only 3 years old) up for T-ball.  I think this is a little early and obsessive and obnoxious but all I know is when he plays in the Major Leagues one day he better remember to thank his mom! We have 3 different baseball teams going on through South Durham Little League right now.  I love the league, the super chaotic practice schedules and locations, not so much.  We are making it happen though and I am thinking it only gets harder from here on out.  My dad, Coach Will, is helping coach Theo's team.  Charlie is helping coach Nash's team.  Jackson is on a team with a bunch of new coaches!  Everyone is adjusting well, and all pulled out a WIN on Saturday.  If I am going to keep bragging, they all got hits too.  This stuff can be stressful on a mama.
Go Rockies! Go Orioles! Go Red Sox! Sorry Winnie!

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