October 8, 2010


Jackson is a rolling fool these days. Every time we lay him down he puts is thumb in his mouth and rolls over. This puts a little damper in our routine. He used to lay on the couch and babble while I ate breakfast, cleaned up, checked email, etc. - no more couch time for him. Yes my friends, he rolled off hard onto the floor under MY watch! (if his dad had been watching him it would have been one thing, but me?!) It hurts me just to type it. I screamed for Charlie and pulled off all his clothes to see if he had any weird marks, I have no idea if this is what you are supposed to do. Jackson just cried for a few minutes and went fast to sleep. I on the other hand stayed up all night walking back and forth to his crib. He will never remember so maybe I should delete this post so he will never know! Guilty conscience I guess. He is rolling over in his bed too, which wakes him up in the middle of the night, which makes him think he needs to eat. Please do not let this be a trend.
My new fall pj's, this pumpkin hat has to go...

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Pax had the same outfit for his 1st Halloween! Don't beat yourself up about him falling...it happens to the best of us AND it unfortunately, it won't be the last fall. Trust me, it hurts us mamas WAY more than it hurts them! You're doing a great job!
