August 18, 2011


Jackson still wakes up late at night sometimes. Usually, he will cry out and go back to sleep. If not Charlie can go pick him up and rock him for a few before he really wakes up. If still not then he wants his mama. If still not as in we are both wide awake then he wants some milk. (this could be a 2 hour process) Walking around at 3am with 28lbs of baby and I can get pretty annoyed. Patience is something that I struggle with everyday, especially when I am tired. The other night I walked around the upstairs of our new house patting Jackson's back as he rest on my shoulder. This was a first for us. It is a lot quieter than our old house although their are creaks on the floor that I am learning to navigate around. The street is darker with only a few porch lights on. In this moment I am reminded how blessed I am to be able to do this. To live here, have a healthy family and a little boy that wants nothing more than his mama. I say a prayer to God asking for patience and thanking him for everything he has done. I should really do this more often. I have been blessed.