August 29, 2013


You can get everything you need at Target and lots of stuff you don't need.  To prevent the latter from happening I just take Jackson and Nash with me.  We literally run through the aisles tossing only the necessities in the basket while handing out fruit squeezes and yelling 'EXCUSE ME MAMA' over and over at the top of our lungs.  Jackson has learned when someone is busy to say 'Excuse me' to get them to talk to you.  Now Nash yells it. It is starting to back fire.  I was explaining to Jackson that he needs to save money if he wants to buy a toy.  To which he logically replied, 'maybe we can get some money from Target and then get a toy.'  See, you really can get everything from Target.
Safety first.  But really can someone who works at Target please do an overhaul on their carts.  The 'kid' carts are huge and I refuse to push it while Jackson and Nash run around the store. OK, thanks. 

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