April 7, 2011


Warning: You may not be interested in these details. (hint- guys don't read)
Formula stinks. I don't know which is worse leaky achy boobs or making and cleaning out bottles. I have successfully 'weened' Jackson off of breast feeding. He still bangs his head in my chest every now and then and I am still pumping at night but the well is drying up and I am pretty excited about it. A time comes when one gets a little too big and has just a little too many teeth. I also did not think it would be to kind to leave him with my parents for the weekend without a little prep work. My experience with breastfeeding was good for the 10 plus months that is lasted and I hope to do it with all my other children. I did get a case of mastitis from trying to ween Jackson off too quickly. It felt like I had the flu but then I noticed one of my boobs was not doing so hot. The doc hooked me up with some meds and I was feeling like new within 2 days. I know I am one of the lucky mamas. So long big boobies, they were fun while it lasted.
And Jackson, he loves the bottle. It is kind of ridiculous. I guess it is just that steady flow of milk but he takes it back like a Dairy Queen Blizzard.


  1. high five for 10 months! now you can wear dresses anytime and ditch the ugly nursing tops and bras! i'm only making it to 8 months-- we're weaning now too. i can barely keep my chunky monkey in my lap these days, he's so active. but just think... in a few more months you can move to milk in a sippy cup! unfortunately, i have a whole summer of stinky formula ahead of me.

  2. I cannot wait for real milk in a sippy cup AND high five on 8 months and double-double high five on his sleeping through the night!
