March 29, 2013

That's what he said...

This guy said it, not me, but I am feeling what he is feeling.  Life with these boys is wonderful absolutely wonderful but sometimes I lose my cool.  OK, I lose my cool at least 3 times a day.  I even have a hole in my bedroom wall from when I threw the Very Hungry Caterpillar board book against it.  And it worked, after 1 hour of straight crying both of them stopped.  I laughed, they laughed and then we all started crying again.  I give an embarrassing grin every time I see the spot on the wall, whoops.  Check this blog post out mamas and if you are anything like me breathe a sigh of relief -

Sheesh our mom needs a breath of fresh air!

1 comment:

  1. Good article! I had one of those moments today when Addison was screaming cause she was hungry and T refused to come inside!h
