October 24, 2013


This morning I ran upstairs to get my shoes on so we could all head to the grocery store.  While upstairs for those 25 seconds I heard the garage door open and sprinted downstairs to see how this was possible.  I couldn't make it to the garage because I spotted Nash on a tall chair that he had pulled over from the kitchen table to the stove and climbed up on (all by himself? did someone sneak in? is this a trick? not a treat, that is for sure).  I tried to remain calm so he didn't fall off and said, 'Nash what are you doing up there.'  To which he calmly turned around and replied, 'Cooking chicken.'
And the garage door.  That was Jackson.  He had climbed through an open window in the car, opened the garage door and was patiently waiting in his car seat.  'We are just pretending to be monkeys mom, can I have a banana?'  Yes we will add that to the list, bananas and more coffee, lots more coffee.  

1 comment:

  1. Ha Love it! Tyler brings the kitchen chairs EVERYWHERE...his favorite being the hot stove with boiling water of course. Daily Heart attacks. But yes...more coffee...lots of coffee!
