September 30, 2010
rice cereal
September 29, 2010
rainy days
We have had some much needed rainy days in NC. The rain is supposed to move on out leaving us with some wonderful wedding weekend weather! (fingers crossed) Jackson and I usually go for a morning walk / morning snooze but this weather is leaving us a little stir crazy. We have tried out a lot of new toys to keep us busy. He does take a few naps throughout the day but they last about 30 minutes leaving me just enough time to fold up some laundry and leave the hang clothes neatly spread out on the bed. Hanging up clothes is my least favorite 'house duty,' so I think he is just trying to help me out.

Give me a break mom, I am only 4 months old...
Wish my dad was here so we could just watch some tv...
Is it time to eat yet...
Will you buy me some clothes that actually fit...
I can't believe my hair is falling out...
I have got some serious gas this morning...
Yes, I could write captions all day.
September 28, 2010
to do...
September 27, 2010
Jackson had his 4 month check-up today, I cannot believe it. He was all smiles until he got his shots. He is way better behaved than his mom. Rumor has it that I ran around the doctors office when I got my 8-year-old shot, taking my brother with me.
His 4 month vital stats are as follows:
weight: 19 lbs. 2 ounces (98%)
height: 26.5 inches (93%)
head circ.: 17.1 (80%)
cuteness: 100% (ok, a little biased...)
After a big weekend with lots of babysitter loving (thanks sweet aunt Sarahs) and an awesome friend's wedding festivities we are enjoying this rainy afternoon. If Jackson only knew the treat we have for him when he awakes from his snooze. It is rice cereal time, yum!

Mr. Bear is not looking so hot these days.
September 22, 2010
September 21, 2010
September 20, 2010
the weekend
All my teams lost again this weekend, but I don't really mind! I had a great time with my dad and got to catch up with my best buddy Benjamin!

September 17, 2010
My sister is getting married-going to Europe-moving to California in 14 days?! This make me very excited-happy-sad-jealous?! We are heading to the beach for some celebrating. When we return she is trying get in as much Jackson snuggle time as she can. She is in the fight of her life to be the best 'Aunt Sarah.'

Just Me and My Dad

September 16, 2010
Jackson has not taken a numero dos (I hate the word 'poop,' think we will call it 'stinky') since Sunday morning! The doctor said this might happen but given his track record I did not believe her. She said if babies are breast fed they may have very infrequent bowel movements. Since breast milk is custom-made by your body, for your baby, they take in every little bit and use it. Jackson is happy as always and does not seem to be bothered by it. I guess he is just storing it away in his cheeks.
Cousin Farris can't resist these cheeks either.
September 14, 2010
so true.
This was in my email update -
• Stacking today's unread newspaper on top of yesterday's unread newspaper.
• Eating dinner like we're trying to break a world record for the most pasta swallowed in the shortest amount of time. Standing up.
• Letting your partner choose between poop and laundry as a topic of conversation.
• Figuring out how to pee without putting the baby down.
• Wearing a bra that looks like something from a 1930s catalog.
• Spending three hours getting the baby to sleep and then waking her up two minutes later to make sure she's still breathing.
• Forgetting what you were...
Birthday Love
September 13, 2010
Mondays aren't so bad anymore. Especially since today is the premiere of Oprah's Final Season (John Travolta!) and The Ellen DeGeneres Show (Lady GaGa!) and Monday Night Football (Redskins are back!). I always wondered who was able to watch these afternoon shows and late night games. The best part is I get to hang out with this wild man all day long whether he likes it or not!
September 11, 2010
me likes!
Being a mom (I still feel weird saying that) really does get better every day. Those first 6 weeks I had my doubts if I was cut out for the whole stay at home thing. This past week Jackson has started to grab at rattles (immediately tries to shove in mouth), ooohhinnggg and ahhhinngg his head off, sucking his thumb/fingers/whole fist, enjoying his swing, and figuring out his bouncer. This gives me a lot more time to get some things done around the house. I even cooked dinner. By that I mean the easiest Black Bean Soup on the planet, it is delicious! Throw in some cheese, sour cream, chips & salsa if you are really feeling wild.
*1 can black beans *1 can refried bean *16 oz. veggie stock *16 oz. salsa
Combine & Enjoy
your already done 'cooking?'...
September 4, 2010
I love everything about football season. The coolness in the air, the smell of fresh cut grass, the sound of drums beating, and the taste of a little bourbon and coke. Jackson was so excited about today that he rolled over!! One minute he was chilling on his play mat swatting at hang toys the next minute he was grunting on his belly. I am a bad mama and missed the whole thing, maybe next time.
September 3, 2010
I did not get newborn pictures professionally done and I already wish I had! But... Jackson just happened to be around when my sister Sarah got her bridal portrait done this past weekend... and he just happen to only have on his diaper... and I just happen to have a white pillow handy incase the photographer was bored and needed to take a baby shot or two... It worked! Here are a few of the chunker!

September 1, 2010
the humpty dance

I'm steppin' tall, y'all,
and just like Humpty Dumpty
you're gonna fall when the stereos pump me.
I like to rhyme,
I like my beats funky,
I'm spunky. I like my oatmeal lumpy.
I'm sick wit dis, straight gangsta mack
but sometimes I get ridiculous
I'll eat up all your crackers and your licorice
hey yo fat girl, c'mere--are ya ticklish?
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