June 24, 2011


Any good snack ideas for a growing 13 month old? I fixed him some 'kid' trail mix, but it seems he is not interested in the cheerios...
Jackson is hoping to bring back the 'jorts'


  1. Snacks...Van loves all chopped up fruit (cantaloupe is a good one since it is so hot outside...nice and juicy...tangerine slices, grapes, strawberries) but goldfish is his favorite chow-down snack for sure (like mom). I bet Jackson wouldn't mind nibblin on some popcorn and m&ms? Will you send me the blueberry crisp recipe?

  2. Jack LOVES fruit, like could eat an entire package of strawberries if we let him. BUT it gives him terrible burny mud butt so we have to limit the fruit intake everyday...in case you were wondering...
