June 19, 2010


good friends = good food = good bellies = bad pregnancy weight loss

Family and friends have been feeding us like crazy. I don't think we have gone a night without some delicious casserole, pasta, mexican, and finished it off with dessert. Fellow new mama created a spreadsheet where people could sign up to bring us dinner on different nights, it has been awesome. http://www.foodtidings.com/

This has not helped me out in the post pregnancy weight loss. I swore to myself I wouldn't be one of those people who gained 50 lbs. during pregnancy. My doctor, a chunky male, advised me to gain about 30. Well, I only gained 49, so take that doc (good thing the little munchkin was 10 days early), and it was fun. I did not have morning sickness and craved cookies, ice cream, hibachi, spaghetti, etc. etc. etc. The first 2 weeks after Jackson the weight melted off with me grubbin out and all, 30 lbs, gone like that. This past week, I gained a pound, whoops. So here I am, gonna take baby steps, but I will not gain any more weight, and these last 19 are going down!

disclaimer - i am starting on Monday.

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