July 31, 2015
Someone has been watching his older brothers and figured this whole tee-ball thing out. His little smirk gets me every single time.
July 29, 2015
Some summer days are really long. And my brother, 'Unc', suggest that we all go to Frankie's Fun Park after work. And I think heck no please get these kids to sleep so I can straighten up this disaster in our house. And then I remember it is summer time. And they are only young once. And nothing is more fun than go carts, bumper boats, video games and cheesy chili fries in the eyes of a 33 year old…
Didn't have to ask Charlie twice about going…
Hmm, I think this is fun?!...
My trusty driver.
Looks like he won't need a bath… ;)
July 27, 2015
pool punks!
We are doing some serious pool time this summer. It is not relaxing, but I have figured out how to go by myself with no major freak outs. Jackson can pretty much swim on his own and I don't have to worry about him. Nash is working on his swimming but is cautious and knows to make sure I can see him at all times. And Theo LOVES the water and thinks he can jump in and swim by himself. We can walk to our little neighborhood pool so we usually head that way in the afternoon and I watch the clock intently for dad to get there. Some days everyone last all of 10 minutes and others we can stay out there for hours. I love a good evening neighborhood pizza pool party!
Some of the future dudes of Downing Creek.
Oh, did you say pizza?!
Theo, tripping himself out per usual.
Nash, Squints, putting out the vibe.
Relaxin Jackson, checking out the new Lego magazine.
July 24, 2015
Ms. Diane
Our neighbor turns 82 tomorrow. She lives by herself, drives her own car, works in her yard, attends continuing education classes, eats healthy, talks a lot, loves my boys and watches our house (and anything within a 3 mile radius) like a hawk. For all of this I am grateful. The boys wanted to make her a cake for her birthday but she doesn't do gluten, obviously, so they decided on a bird house instead. We painted a rocket ship house to go in her backyard along side the other 65 she already has. I hope when I am 82 to still be kicking it like Ms. Diane. And if I am, you better bring me cake, lots of it.

You know, just chasing Jackson with a hose.
Serious work going on here.
July 21, 2015
Welcome to Atlanta… where parties don't stop till 8 in the mornin! Just kidding, those were the days, but this weekend we were on our 3rd cup of coffee by then. We met some of my best friends in Atlanta for some lake time, aquarium visits and a Braves game. Thanks to the Coronas for putting up with us all.
Jumping to dad.
First time on the tube for my boys! Lots of thumbs up for the go faster signal.
Cap'n Nash
Camp Riley! Seriously though, Riley is almost 12 and all the young kids adore her and listen to her and behave and that reminds me I owe her some cash!
While they were at 'Camp Riley' we grilled out, drank snazzy drinks and even go out of our pool clothes.
The Atlanta Aquarium is awesome.
Go Braves!
And then we drove all night so I could wake up to this guy! He got to stay with Aunt Nat, Tat and Will and do whatever he wanted. I really missed him, but holy cow a 3 and 5 year old is enough for me in the car for 7 hours. Next year Theo, maybe. :)
July 17, 2015
Lemonade Stand
These sweet boys had their first ever Lemonade Stand! They sold lemonade, cookies and popsicles and for 30 whole minutes and did a great job. I let some friends in the neighborhood know about it the night before to make sure we had at least a few costumers. They raised money in their 'banks' for this year's Vacation Bible School mission project, helping out friends in Nepal. They, ok, I even found some cute free printables on Snapfish that I stayed up way too late coloring and cutting and glueing. Just living the dream ya'll.
July 15, 2015
1st 'real' haircut!
My little straight haired dirty blonde hunk got his first 'real' haircut today. I held the wiggle worm most of the time and we managed to get the mullet off without making him look too grown up, my only request. Today was one of those days that I had to remind myself that they will only be little once, and that they are so worth every exhausting minute.
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After, with his very loud and active entourage. |
1st haircut and 1st suckers, double fisting baby.
July 13, 2015
Summer Lovin'
We were finally in Chapel Hill this past weekend! Summer time always flies by so it was great to have a weekend at home. Charlie and I had a fun date night a surprise karaoke birthday party and some always entertaining times with these guys.
I know, he is getting a haircut soon, Charlie has threatened to cut it himself, unfortunately we know how that goes.
Two spoons so it doesn't melt! 'It's good but next time I am just doing like Nash and sticking to mint chocolate chip.'
Nash's had his first tee-ball practice on his OWN team! He loved it. Theo was proud.
We explored some super secret spots in our neighborhood. They said it was for boys only but sometimes moms can come. Yes!
Being very careful.
And look who we brought along with us! Meet Dolly the Dalmation. My sisters new puppy.
Cheering on daddy at his softball game.
Backyard pond fishing - for turtles - without a fishing line - they don't know.
Staying cool and getting clean with afternoon hose downs.
New matching neon green light up Hulk Smash shoes! One thing we don't waste any money on is shoes. They both have one pair of tennis shoes and one pair of flip flops. They both had quarter size holes in the shoes and neither one wanted to get a new pair. But then they spotted these beauties. Who wouldn't want a pair?
July 12, 2015
Sunday Love
-Ann Voskamp
July 10, 2015
The art of the Oreo
Me - I am headed to the grocery store to get some milk for Theo, anyone need anything?
Charlie - egg whites
Nash - watermelon
Jackson - OREOS.
The everyday joys of motherhood, buying your 'kids' Oreos and teaching them the art of the Oreo dunk. I'm proud.
Oh yeah this is gonna be a good one.
He is a cream licker.
July 8, 2015
celebrating grandma
Happy Birthday Grandmama! We all enjoyed a Lebanese dinner in Raleigh finished with cookie cake and ice cream. This is after we met our cousins at Marbles Museum. Best day evaaaa.
Theo had a really great time. Tons of stuff for busy bodies to push and throw.
Nash, the pizza spot or any cooking area is always a favorite.
Sweet Sophie helping Jackson on some serious wood work.
NO one knocked over the huge sandcastle. Now that is a Birthday miracle.
Happiest of Birthdays Grandmama!
July 7, 2015
Nash is still obsessed with baseball. If I ever want him to do something I say, this is like what a real baseball player does. Real baseball players eat ONE vegetable bite before they get dessert, real baseball players get bloody noses from their brothers, real baseball players jump in the pool and swim to their mom, real baseball players even put their clothes in the hamper! He loves to play baseball in the yard, go to a game, pretend to play it with Legos or watch highlights on TV. This whole obsession worked out well when playing putt-putt last week. He started off with a swing and then slowly brought it down and hit the ball. For a 3 year old this guy is pretty decent.
Like this mom?!
He is a lefty.
Orange ball, every single time. Jackson's favorite color is orange, so naturally Nash wanted the orange ball. Jackson let him have it because he can be the nicest brother ever or he doesn't want to hear him scream either.
July 5, 2015
Happy 4th!
I love America everyday, especially on the 4th, celebrating with my people, in my 'hood. We had our annual neighborhood parade and cookout, relaxed a little while watching the hot dog eaten contest, then headed to the pool with some friends and got home just in time for some fireworks. USA!
My loyal 4th of July helper. He did most of the set-up and all of the talking.
Geared up for the parade.
My patriotic crew.
The balloon toss, I am sure you can guess how this went down.
Worn out swimming maniac.
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