October 2, 2015


I love October and it crispness in the air, the smell of bomb fires, the sound of a high school football band, and the taste of a warm apple crisp.  And rain.  Oh nope, not the rain part, which is all we have gotten so far.  I mistakenly ventured to Pinterest today and looked up some 'what to do when you are stuck inside with your kids ideas.'  I don't think the people who come up with these ideas actually have kids or maybe they do but they don't have dirty wild fighting loud boys.

1st up - Shaving Cream Art…  Simple enough.  You put shaving cream on a baking pan and then you can put dots of food coloring to 'paint.' This helps with your child's sensory processing all while having fun.  Or you could just squirt shaving cream in their mouth and poor food coloring all over your clothes, really it is up to you.

Boom.  Take that Pinterest.  Shaving cream in the bath tub where is belongs.

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