January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

2012 was a good year for the Farris family.  I am in awe of all the things that God has blessed us with and look forward to what the future holds.  Like everyone else in America I would like to say my New Year's resolution is to lose some pounds and get in a little bit of shape.  But like everyone else in America I will probably stop 'working' on this by January 7th.  So as I ponder over my last big bowl of ice cream I resolve to -
1 - Run more - This should not be hard since currently I run about once a month.  To keep it simple I am going for twice a week.  We have the annual Cooper River Bridge run coming up in April.  No pregnancy excuses this year, we will run.
2- Read more - If you know me at all then you know this should not be hard either.  I have a terrible habit of starting a book and not finishing it.  Sometimes I even start it and then skip to the last chapter.  I know, book lovers everywhere are cringing.  So we are keeping this simple too.  12 books this year, one a month.  Send me your can't put down recommendations please. 
3 - Rest more - This should not be hard either.  I need more sleep.  To get more sleep I need to go to bed earlier and sleep through the night.  Do you hear that Nash?  Sleep through the night.  Yep, my 10 month old still does not sleep through the night.  We can do this.
Bring it on 2013, bring it on!

Our attempt at a final 2012 family photo.

  I just noticed we are all in need of some haircuts, add that to the resolution list. 

1 comment:

  1. We could have photoshopped a nice Christmas card out of those two pictures...
