May 2, 2016

May Days!

We have a lot of birthdays to celebrate in the month of May!  First up is Grand-daddy!  We headed to Wilson yesterday afternoon for a nice relaxing cookout with family...  And then Nash got tackled by his ever loving older brother and hit his forehead smack on a chair corner.  He needed stitches or glue or fancy band-aids or something.  But, it was Sunday evening and zero urgent cares were open and I just couldn't bring myself to go sit in the Wilson ER for the night.  After exchanging bloody pictures and calls with my most favorite doctor EVER we decided Charlie could either super glue it shut (he is a really good sub maker, physician not so much) or we clean it, ointment it up and Nash has a pimpin' scar for the rest of his life.  I think scars are pretty cool, especially when you are a male model, so we went with the latter.  Two hour later we all ate a lot of chocolate cake and called it a night!

Happy Birthday Grand-daddy!

Super Brave, hard-headed animal.  And I finally got to put a clip in my child's hair.  ;)

Edited to note - Day 2 we opted for urgent care.  Nash was awake for 1 entire hour and managed to knock it twice.  The doctors glued it right on up and told Charlie he could do it at home for a lot cheaper. Great....
Glued-up big head and an ice cold Mountain Dew, his treat of choice. 

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